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Instructions for AllInOne plugin

Pre-Installation Instructions

Before adding these plugins via the plugin menu in Blowtorch please first add the following to the settings menu.

In Options/Service/GMCP Options, make sure Use GMCP is checked and in to support strings put "room 1", "char 1", "comm 1". The " and , are important,please do not leave them out.

IN order to create the file structure on your device it has been reported that you need to run both of the following functions from the Blowtorch apps menu.

For further instrtctions on how to configure Blowtorch for the plugins please visit Shindo-Aardwolf

Downloading the zip file and preparing the unzipped folder for installation


After downloading and extracting the AllInOne.zip file I strongly recommend that you rename the base folder AllInOne to your characters name. This is because the mapper stores portal intuctions without knowing, or caring, which character is using the databse, so if you play with multiple characters you may find the mapper tries to use portal that one of the characters does not have.

After renaming AllInOne copy the folder and all it's contents to your plugins folder.
If you unzipped in your plugins folder just rename the AllInOne folder.

Please note that this is still in development and as such there may be major changes to the way the database is deployed and the way the data is stored in the database. Currently I capture the raw-colour codes included in the gmcp data sent BUT this causes problems when searching for room names that have colour codes embedded in them.

Post-Installation instructions

After you install the plugins you will have to run the .MapperSetup in order to create the database in the file. If you do not do this you will get errors.

If you get an error saying that the database is locked you will need to use the quit button, not the mud quit command, to exit your blowtorch session. You then need to delete the aardwolf.db file, restart your aardwolf session and immediately run .MapperSetup.

Commands for the plugins

Aliases you will need

The campaign and Quest helper updates an alias that you have to make. The alias is TARGET, got to aliases in the blowtorch menu, press the new button. In "Replace:" put TARGET, in to "with" put ant, now click on done. You can now use TARGET in any other alias or button in your client an it will send what ever is currently in the "with" field of TARGET to the mud.

Portal aliases
You are going to want an alias for handling portals, this will normally be a combination of aliases, first PortalBag with the ID of the bag you store your portals in, second is the portal using alias itself, I use vp as the name of the alias but you can give it any name you wish, in the "with:" part of the alias put get '$1' PortalBag;hold '$1';enter;rem '$1';put '$1' PortalBag;wear all Make sure youcheck the box next to Matches start if Line (^)
You can use this alias when you add portals to the mapper as follows .MapperPortalAdd levelofportal vp nameofportal

Spellup Plugin

Make sure that tags spellup on has been toggled, after that the spellup commands just works. As spells expire the plugin will attempt to recast them, if it can. There is one commands for the plugin .sp on|off this will turn the plugin on or off. It is useful when you want to disrupt something like fly/levitate for parts of Annwn and Masquerade Island.

Consider Plugin

This plugin generates a list of mobs in the current room, with the conw command, that you can then use ck 1 to attack with. It allows you to change the default attack command it will use from k(ill) to any alias you have defined or spell you wish to cast. conw help has a summary of all the commands build in to the plugin.

The consider plugin has been included in the latest AllInOne.zip file, which also contains some minor updates to the other plugins.

If you need to change your prompt for any reason PLEASE REMEMBER to put %c at the end of your new prompt.

BlowTorch version 2.1

An issue has been reported. It seems that some users can not write to the current database file. I could not reproduce this problem until I went back to using version 2.0 of the BlowTorch app. It seems that blowtorch 2.0 has some older sqlite3 and lua embedded systems that do not work the way the newer versions do. I will look at what could be done to over come this problem but a much more time saving solution was to provide the apk file for version 2.1

Below is a link to Danial Block's Blowtorch app for android. It is version 2.1, which is a beta release. It is zipped to fit the file size requirements of the host. Once you download it, unzip it and then click on it to install, as you would with any apk file.


Button Set Tutoria

Below is a link to a Button Set tutorial. It walks you through the process of setting up a Button Set for the Quest and Campaign plugin

Button Set Tutorial

CombatHelper Help


Updates and Experimental Fixes

This update makes a few changes to the way the hunt trick determines the room your target is in. It also changes the format of the ht and ah commands. They now no longer have the period . in front of them, ie .ht becomes ht, .ah becomes ah. I have also added a new function (quickwhere) qw, which will try and find the room the mob is in in the database and set up shortcuts to it like ht does.

To install, unzip the file and copy all the files and folders, in the updates folder, to where your old versions of these files were. Paste over the top of the old versions and restart your Aardwolf session.

AllInOne Updates

Instinct and Mastery Reporter

This plugin is designed to report your Skills with Instinct and Mastery damtypes to a specified channel or to the room.

To install unzip and copy the contents of the plugins folder to your plugins folder. This includes the sub-folders.
